Current Fish Tank Installation Projects

Filling stage – Fish Tank Installation
So the aquarium is set in place, Plumbing completed, aquascaping of live sand and live rock structuring completed, tested plumbing for leaks and Fish Tank Installation is mainly complete – and now the time has come for tank filling. For Saltwater systems we do not use water from the tap; during the installation we install a water processing station at the location that will purify the tap water by running it through a Reverse osmosis filter system (RODI) and then placing it into the water holding tanks for salt mixing. The water is mixed and salt is dissolved and the salinity gets tested. Once the water is at the correct levels the water is ready to go. Since when we are filling the aquarium system for the first time we will need much more water then a typical maintenance water change (up to 25%), therefor we would pump ready RODI saltwater in to our trucks from our shop and then pump it to the Aquarium at the location.
The Aquarium was designed and constructed by Aqua Creations with a slight bow on the front panel of the aquarium and a concave panel on the back panel so that it will continue the wave affect along with the rest of the office design. The acrylic panels were molded with perfection and installed to complete this magnificent dental office setting. To view more of our work you can visit our webpage at Aqua Creations or contact us here