Tag: aquarium
Proper Feeding for Healthy Fish
Just like humans, fish need healthy food and proper feeding in order to stay happy and active. Fish owners must make sure to feed their fish the right amount of quality food to keep them alive and well.
Does your Saltwater Aquarium Need Cleaner Shrimp?
If you are looking into a saltwater aquarium, you may hear a lot about cleaner shrimp. Does your tank really need them?
From a Momentary Whim to a Magnificent Built-In Aquarium
Many aquarium owners tell an unconventional tale. Perhaps in the past, they had seen a beautiful water scene in another home or office
The Importance of Venting in Aquarium Cabinetry
A handsome wooden cabinet is a perfect pedestal for your showcase aquarium, and storing all the essentials for aquarium care inside can make everything look quite polished and clean.
How To Calculate The Weight Of Your Aquarium - 4 Things To Consider
When planning out an aquarium, one area that often goes overlooked is the weight. We don’t take into account
Healthy Aquarium? Well-Fed Fish Are Key
If you have an aquarium, then you want to make sure all of the fish in it are healthy. The temptation is to use
Live Rock is the Key to a Healthy Aquarium
Most people are confused when they first hear the words “live rock”. Certainly rocks and sand aren’t alive, are they?
Great Locations for a Residential Aquarium: Over the Piano, Deep in the Mancave, or in the Playroom
Custom aquariums are the new standard in design for a unique way of showcasing vivid, vibrant flora and fauna.