Are they a 2nd place choice to Saltwater Marine Aquariums?

African Cichlid’s, as represented here by the Electric Blue Ahli and the Lake Tanganyika Frontosa, are beautiful and relatively easy to keep. The variety of species available to the hobbyist are virtually endless.

Central American Cichlid’s as represented here by the stunning red-severum and veja-sysnspylum are large show stopper’s that easily rival saltwater fish in both their color, grace and personality.

Roseline sharks are in the barb family and are absolutely stunning when kept in a school of five or more. The brilliant flash of red and their elongated shape are a great contrast dither fish for any community freshwater aquarium.

The Albino Threadfin Acara is a class action fish. It is even more standout when kept in a dedicated species tank in groups. It has a very peaceful disposition and once acclimated to its environment is not difficult to keep.

Discus are arguably the pinnacle of the freshwater experience. They require pristine water conditions along with higher water temperatures to thrive. The results are way worth it, as you can see by their breathtaking beauty.

We haven’t even touched the surface of what’s available out there for the aspiring freshwater hobbyist. But I do think that I’ve made my case for a resounding “NO” when asked if a freshwater aquarium when done right takes second seat. – Sol
About the Author

Sol Bick
Aqua Creations Founder
Aqua Creations founder and self-proclaimed fish addict, Sol Bick is passionate about anything aquatic. With over 50 years of experience as an aquarium hobbyist and professional, Sol never stops plunging into the depths of aquatic science, researching, contributing to, and staying current with the latest technologies.