- Water – the water element in the aquarium represents the flow of energy and abundance.
- Wood – driftwood or aquatic plants in the aquarium promote creativity and vitality.
- Metal – the metal element in the aquarium steel structure or metallic ornaments represents stability, structure, and precision.
- Earth – the small rocks and gravel at the bottom of the aquarium promote stability and health.
- Fire – the bright colors of the fish and the aquarium lighting represent warmth, energy, and passion.
The Ideal Feng Shui Fish Tank Shape
Lucky Number of Fish in Aquarium
9 Goldfish in Feng Shui
What Is the Purpose of One Black Fish?
Is It Bad Luck When Your Fish Dies?
Number of Fish Based on Symbolism
- The symbolic meaning of the numbers is based on how they sound when spoken in Chinese.
- The meaning of the number, using the interpretation of Flying Star School of Feng Shui
- One: New beginnings
- Three: Growth and development
- Six: Mentor luck
- Eight: Money and abundance
- Nine: Long life, considered the luckiest number
- Multiples of nine (18, 27, etc.): For larger aquariums
Create an Auspicious Feng Shui Fish Aquarium
- Always clean
- Circulates oxygenated water
- Proper maintenance
- Interesting environment for the fish
- A balance of the five elements of feng shui: water, wood, metal, earth, and fire
- Filled with happy, healthy fish living in a clean tank that are fed correctly and circulate positive energy
The Importance of the Feng Shui Fish Tank Location
A feng shui fish tank should never be placed in a bedroom, the kitchen, or in the center of the house. Both the bedroom and the kitchen are yin (passive) areas and a fish tank is very yang (aggressive). Since it is a room for rest, placing a fish tank in the bedroom would create too much yang energy from the fish swimming around the tank, causing a very restless sleep. Placing the tank in the kitchen also overstimulates the yang chi energy, causing excessive eating. The center of the house is a bad location for a fish tank because according to the Book of Changes, water in the middle of the house means you will suffer from many problems and difficulties.
Design Your Dream Feng Shui Fish Tank With Aqua Creations
About the Author

Sol Bick
Aqua Creations Founder
Aqua Creations founder and self-proclaimed fish addict, Sol Bick is passionate about anything aquatic. With over 50 years of experience as an aquarium hobbyist and professional, Sol never stops plunging into the depths of aquatic science, researching, contributing to, and staying current with the latest technologies.