Green Aquarium Water "pea soup"
My aquarium has a greenish or brownish tinge to the water and looks cloudy. The fish look OK but I can hardly see them. It seems as if it is getting worse by the day. What is causing this and what should I do? Please read on for a simplified view of the problem, its …
What's in a Name?
Gosh, it’s been so long I can’t remember when I started this dang aquarium company. Oh well, one thing I do remember is thinking of a good name for it.
Feng Shui Fish Tank: Best Location, Placement and Number of Fish
Feng shui fish tanks are a beautiful and potent feng shui cure to attract the energy of wealth and abundance. Placed right, and taken care of wisely, an aquarium will amplify the energy in any home or office and attract more wealth Chi.
Do Reverse Osmosis Filters Work for Saltwater Fish Tanks?
Anyone worth his salt (pun intended), will tell you that with saltwater fish, corals and marine life, you need a Reverse Osmosis Filter (RODI) for water production. Does it really work?
Custom Shaped Aquariums
Have a custom unique aquarium installed in your home or office, even if you need specific measurements that are required for the aquarium. We can build the aquarium in any size or shape.
Do-It-Yourself vs. Professional Aquarium Maintenance
Do you love the beautiful world of marine life, and dream about having an aquarium in your home or office but need professional aquarium maintenance to maintain your dream?
Aquarium Project Management Stage
At what point do you get the aquarium company involved in the project? Answer – it’s never too early.
Its getting cold out there – Keep warm!
If your one of those that don’t mind the cold and keep your heat in your home low